Spiritual Stain Removal



These past weeks, I have been using the spiritual equivalent of one of those miracle stain removers to release stubborn spiritual stains. It is called present awareness. I can testify that it really works, it can even remove accumulated dirt of a lifetime.
When we talk about deep held beliefs or deep seated beliefs, that is exactly what they are.  Our beliefs are literally held between our reproductive organs and our pelvic area. They don’t just sit there, they are attached to our tissue. The weight of our deepest negative beliefs holds us down, lowers our frequency, determines what we attract into our lives. To up our frequency and attract into our life all the things we want, we have to release our deep held beliefs. To release them, we actually have to detach them from the surrounding tissue.

The cool thing is that we only have to intend to release that which is blocking us and be willing to be present with whatever arises. That is simple, but what is simple is not always easy. The things that block us, the things that arise are painful. Most of us have become so effective at avoiding pain, that we have forgotten that we are built to withstand pain, that processing pain in a healthy way creates resilience,  strength and empathy. Most of us fear pain so much that we are willing to do anything not to feel it. It doesn’t take a genius to see that our approach isn’t working. Our unwillingness to get real, to actually feel pain, has led to world wide suffering on all levels, and even the consequent denial of that suffering.

The spiritual soaking of my beliefs isn’t what I consider to be a fun experience, but it is a very necessary one. It is intense and painful, emotionally and physically. To release it, I have to feel it. Feel it and stay present, feel it and not get attached to it, feel it and be compassionate, yet feel it fully and completely. To feel it, I have to activate the feeling and with that all that is resonating with it becomes active too. This is helpful because it helps me to release a cluster of emotions, and it helps me to recognize and understand patterns that allow me to focus on the belief that is the root of the pain. It is helpful too because the strong activation of the lower frequency that matches the negative belief I am processing attracts people and situations that add fuel to the fire, which allows me to dig deeper. There is nothing I would want to more than this at this moment, but it is hard work. The irony of it all is that I am doing the most important thing in my life and my ego keeps telling me that I am lazy, that I don’t deserve to do ‘nothing’.

Last week, I processed ‘rejection’. This week it is ‘undeservingness’. These are big themes that I have carried with me a life time, they are deeply entrenched in my psyche and my body. Last week, I asked two dear friends to support me in this releasing process by sending healing energy. The effects were amazing and really helpful. I want to ask you to help me in this process by sending me healing energy, wrapping me in love, praying for my well-being or whatever your practice is to support me in the coming days. It would mean a lot. And don’t be shy. Let me know in the comments down below or on facebook. I would really like to hear from you. Thank you!


picture by Lukasz Brzozowski

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